What is Starshine Stories & Fables?
SSAF is a YouTube channel and blog that provides free, wholesome and memorable stories that help build children's characters by teaching treasured principles and values.

Who are these stories made for?
Our stories are made for children ages 5 on up! Just about anyone can learn important values through our short stories.

Who writes the stories?
Claudia Orgill writes these stories. She’s been writing children’s stories for her own children for many years now and is excited to use her story ideas for SSAF.

Where does Claudia get her story ideas?
Mostly, she gets her ideas from her own kids! Quite often when there’s something her kids are struggling with, a story comes to her mind that she feels will help teach them a particular value they are needing to learn and it’s these ideas that make up the stories within SSAF.

And, did you know? She prays for help and guidance before she writes each story - which really helps in the creation and unfolding of each story!

Who illustrates the stories?
Claudia does. She enjoys playing with different styles and art mediums to help communicate the overall feel and message of each particular story even if it’s just using simple stick figures!

Who makes the videos?
John, Claudia’s husband, makes the videos. He’s super talented isn’t he?

How often do you make new stories?
New stories are always in the making. There are usually several that are written up. It’s the illustrations that take the most amount of time to create but usually we make about one or two stories per month.

How much time does it take to create a story?
Good question! It takes around 8-15 hours to write, illustrate and make the video for each story.

Are your stories copyrighted?
Yes. Our work is copyrighted through MyFreeCopyright.com.

Does Claudia accept story ideas from others?
She loves to hear what ideas others have – especially children! Although she usually sticks to writing stories that naturally come together in the right way, at the right time, for the right reasons - someone else’s story idea might just be the one to stick in her mind and form into one of SSAF’s stories.

Can I upload your stories onto my blog/site?
Yes, you may. But please give full credit to SSAF for the work we do.

Can your videos only be viewed through YouTube?
As of right now, yes.

Do you have a YouTube channel?
Yes, we do! Our channel can be found here.

How can I make sure I hear about SSAF’s newest content?
You can be made aware of our newest content by subscribing to our YouTube channel or liking us on Facebook or signing up for SSAF’s newsletter or all of the above.

Can I buy your stories in book format?
Not yet. But maybe in the future!

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